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Finance, Economics and Applied Research JournalAuthors GuidelineE-ISSN: 2379 - 9269
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Language Research work or all articles should be submitted in the English language. Other languages will not be accepted. Paper Submission Manuscripts should be submitted by one of the authors via e-mail: editor@fearj.com Manuscript should be Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) files. There is no page limit in our journals. Submission authors will get paper ID number and ID number can use for future corresponding reference purpose. Papers must be submitted original work. The submitted author is responsible for ensuring that the articles have been approved by the other co-authors and affiliation. Review Process Submitted articles will be sent to the review process and review reports will send for authors if needed any modification or change. Publication Fee www.fearj.com is an open publishing service and publications charge is need for articles maintenance, long times keeps for archives. All the readers can read articles free and the readers can print, download, and copy. (Before publication author needs to pay publication fee and after made payment author needs to send payment made receipt to publisher.) Units Measurement System International (SI) units Paper Title The following information should be included in all submitted articles Paper title [Times new roman and 20 Bold] Abstract [Times new roman and 12 Bold] The manuscript abstract word should be 200 - 300 words. The abstract should include background, experiment, and conclusion. [Text 10 point with times new roman] Introduction [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] This section should be brief discussion and 400-600 words [Text 10 point with times new roman] Materials and Method [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] This section needs to describe the research materials and methods. [Text 10 point with times new roman] Results and Discussion [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] This section needs to describe the experimental results and analysis results. [Text 10 point with times new roman] Conclusion [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] This section needs to include overall full original work. [Text 10 point with times new roman] Acknowledgments [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] Acknowledgments should be included at the end of the paper and before the references. It may also include supporting grant, private money, etc. [Text 10 point with times new roman] References [Times new Roman and 12 Bold] References section needs to write down like [1] Authors name, paper title, journal name, vol., no., year, page no., references should be cited within the text in number wise. [Reference text 10 points with times new roman] Figure and Table's Figures and Tables should be cited serially in the text area with numbers. The table should be three lines. No vertical line in the table. Typeset proof Accepted paper will be sent to the authors and the authors need to resend publisher within 2 - 4 days for final publication. Copyright Form The authors need to sign the copyright form before the final publication and send it to the publisher for the original work.
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